Saturday, June 14, 2014

Getting set up on PGP with GPG

PGP, or Pretty Good Privacy is a standard in personal cryptography. It can encrypt your emails, sign documents with a cryptographic signature, encrypt files on your harddrive, and (my new favorite) sign git commits. One of the problems with cryptography is that getting things encrypted and decrypted only gets you half there. The harder part of the equation, at least for us users, is making sure that you are talking to the right person. This means that someone has to vet people, their ids, their domains, emails, and their cryptographic credentials. PGP takes this away from corporations and moves it to a more p2p model called the web of trust, where any user is given the power to vet and approve other users.

GPG, or GNU privacy Gaurd is an implementation of PGP and can easily be found on linux systems. There is gpg and gpg2, the first being a monolithic binary, and the latter a more modularized library allowing gpg to tie into gnome, guis, and other libraries. This blog will cover the command line tools only.

To get started the first thing that you'll want to do is get yourself a public/private key combination. Before diving into the commands, let me take a minute to talk about the weaknesses of the system. Once you've generated your keys, you'll be set for uber secure communication, without some futuristic computing power, it would take even the most powerful modern computers thousands of years to break your messages using brute force methods. Therefore most people won't even attempt to do so, they will try and use alternate means to get ahold of the private messages. The easiest way is to try to get ahold of your private key and use that to break the messages. While setting up your PGP key you'll have a chance to password protect it. Typically password attacks on the private key will be much more successful especially if you use a weak password. So moral of the story is to try to pick a password that will be hard to guess, and that's long enough that it makes it hard to brute force as well.

Alright, let's get started.

gpg2 --gen-key

Ok, now come the quesitons

  1. First up, it will ask you what sort of key that you want, if you want to do all the things mentioned above you'll want a dual RSA key, or option 1 on my machine.
  2. You'll than have a chance to decide the size of your keys, 2048 being standard as of the writing of this post, 4096 if you want to make all the things secure.
  3. Next you'll tell it how long your key should be valid for, most people will opt for an infinite option (0) and then utilize key invalidation to revoke a key that has been compromised, expired or for whatever other reason. I've read that if you are using the key for some short term, less personal reason, like a campaign, or some event, you can utilize the expiration mechanism to express your interest in a short term communication means
  4. Now you get to identify yourself, keep in mind that if you are going to try to build the web of trust, you'll be proving who you are through id cards, and it'll make things easier if everything matches up.
  5. The final step is to specify the password that will guard your private key
gpg: key A6BAE9BD marked as ultimately trusted
public and secret key created and signed.

gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
pub   2048R/A6BAE9BD 2014-06-15
      Key fingerprint = E0E6 3484 5581 0B28 8EB8  2B68 EB65 E9D5 A6BA E9BD
uid                  admin account 
sub   2048R/144081B9 2014-06-15

Let's examine some of the parts here. So basically you have a public key, this is the one that you'll be sharing with all your cohorts, putting up on your webpage, broadcasting to the world, and reading off as a fellow pgper examines your id cards. Essentially your public key is hashed into a fingerprint, which is much shorter than reading off the actual key. The full fingerprint is 40 hex digits, which is often shorted to the last 16 or 8 to make things more convenient. You'll then notice your userid down below that, uid's or uat's are considered components of a public key. In fact when people certify you, they certify a uid in combination with a public key. You can have multiple uid's on your public key, and even pictures. Finally you have a sub key, this is a binding to your private key, so people can author messages to your private key through your public key. Remeber the first RSA and RSA step, you have both of them here, however only one will ever be fully specified to other users, as your private key is just for you.

Alright, at this point it would be wise to back up your private key. You can export it to a file, which is well suited for some offline storage format like a cd/dvd. You could burn it, and then tuck it away somewhere safe. That way if you ever lose your key, you can still get back the secret key. Remember however that the password that you set on your private key will remain. So if you forget your password, you are still very much out of luck. I suppose if you are forgetful enough you could remove the password (ie. set it to empty) on the private key before you export it. Or even make the password a part of the file, or as a readme in a different file.

gpg2 --export-secret-key --armor --outfile private-key.asc

The command above will export your private key to the file private-key.asc in a base64 encoded format which is safe to view in a text editor. Since your private and public are so bound together it also includes your public key. The private key is still password protected at this point.

The other thing that you should do strait away is set up a revoke certificate on your public key, and keep this somewhere safe. This will help you in the case that you forget your password, you can revoke your key, which will let everyone know that it is invalid.

gpg2 --armor --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke <keyid>

Alright, now all the details are sorted out and you are ready to go. Let's first address how to distribute your public key to your cohorts

gpg2 --keyserver --send-key <keyid>

The above will send a key up to a keyserver, in this case the mit pgp server. Once you put a key up to a keyserver there is no going back, those keys are up there forever. So make sure that you are really sure you want to do it. Once they are up there, it makes life much easier for those wanting to obtain your key.

gpg2 --keyserver --recv-key <keyid>

For example, someone could grab your key from the keyserver using the above command and the short fingerprint of your key.

gpg2 --armor --output public-key.asc --export <keyid>

So if you don't want to make your key public quite yet, you can export it in the ascii armored format. You can then send this file to your friends via email, you can put it up on your website, or expose it to those that you want to communicate with in a plethora of ways.

gpg2 --import someones-public-key.asc

And you can also pull in someones public key this way as well.

As mentioned before, you are an agent of trust for pgp keys, so once you obtain someones public key, and before you start using it, it's often good to sign their public key to 'certify' it. In fact gpg will warn you when you try to send messages to people keys that you haven't signed, or otherwise obtained trust in. In gpg land this signing is yours and yours alone to shoulder. You could sign anyone and everyone's key if you wanted, and make your web of trust huge. This might be bad though, you might inadvertently sign a pretenders key, and mislead people to believe that the pretender is a person they wished to securely communicate with. So usually it's better to meet the person face to face, and verify through state issued ids that they are who they say they are and that they own the key that they profess to own. Occasionally groups of people will get together and sign each others keys. These parties of nerdiness are called key signing parties, and help the web of trust grow and expand.

gpg2 --ask-cert-level --sign <key or uid>

And this is a way that you sign someones key. This specific way will allow you certify the key to a certain level. 0-3. This is where you can start being a little more relaxed in how you sign someones key. If you meet someone in passing and they show you a fingerprint, and you hear someone call them bob, then maybe you can sign to a level 0 or 1. If you communicate via email or phone, maybe a 2. And if you do all the above, and also see a state issued id and passport, a 3 would be reasonable. In the end though it is up to you.

Now let's say you want to encrypt a message to someone.

echo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz > message1.txt gpg2 --armor --recipient <keyid> --encrypt message1.txt

This will create a new file called message1.txt.asc, which will be ascii encoded encrypted version of message1.txt.

rm message1.txt gpg2 --decrypt message1.txt.asc --output message1.txt

This will remove the original text file, and then decrypt the encrypted file and output that back into message1.txt

gpg2 --armor --sign --recipient <keyid> --encrypt message1.txt gpg2 --decrypt message1.txt.asc

In this last step we added on a signature, which basically hashes the original message, and then uses your private key to sign the hash. Basically in all the previous examples we have shown how anyone with your public key can send you an encrypted message. However, even though you may recieve it from their email, it does not necessarily mean that it came from that person. A signature crytographically ensures that the person (or in an unfortunate scenario people) that holds the private key saw the message exactly as you verified it.

You can also send messages to multiple recipients, and because the file or message is really encrypted with a symmetric cipher like AES, only the key to the symmetric cipher needs to be encrypted for each recipient. Therefore the overhead is quite small

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