So I've been messing around with Google Cardboard and one of the things that I wanted to do was create 3d pictures that I could view through cardboard. I remember one of my friends back in the day with the HTC EVO 3D, a phone that could take, and somewhat view 3d pictures. The phone had duel cameras on the back of the phone, and when you took a picture it would snap a picture from both cameras.
I just decided to slap my nexus 5 and my wife's nexus 5 together and take a few pictures to see how well I could reproduce the effect. Turns out it works quite well. Here's the 3 pictures that turned out decently:
In essence, you just put the two phone/cameras at the same level, and then distance them about eye distance from each other, make sure that they are focused on the same target, and that they aren't facing said target, but are both pointed parallel down range. Snap the pics at about the same time.
Now take the two photos, open up your favorite photo editor, scale them down, and place them side by side, view in cardboard and enjoy a surprisingly decent 3d image.
Some things that you may want to do would be to color balance, and generally do everything you can to make sure the two images look near identical.
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